Discuss the different variable, data type use in C language ( BCA-1st semester)

Variable definition

It hold a value that can be modified by the program.The value of variable can be changed during execution.

Variable for example

   < data type> < variable- name>;

Type of variable

1-Local variable:- these variable are declare inside a function with proper data type.

2-Global variable:- Global variable are created by declaring them outside of any                                             function. It is  helpful when many function in the program use the same data

3-Constant variable:- It is a value can be stored in the memory cannot change during                                         execution  of the program. There are two types of constant variable. 

              a) Numeric constant
              b) character constant


4. Data type:- Data type is define as a finite set of value along with well defined set off rules for operation that can be performed.

C support  different type of data.


  1. Primary (In- buil):- Char, int, float, double, void

      .2-User define:-Array, pointer, structure, union.         

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